Tuesday, June 1, 2010

My Interview by Ralph

Meet Ralph, one of my hip online marketing consultants, who teaches us that it's ok to wear large, bold horn-rimmed glasses if you're intelligent, funny, and under 40 living in a quirky metropolis like Austin, TX. Anyway, he and OJ my other hip consultant, who doesn't wear bulky glasses but could because he's that cool, thought it would be fun to interview me, to offer readers a refreshing departure from my usual solitary authoritative position in front of the camera.

I had a lot of fun and the whole event gave me insight into the fact that a) I seriously like to talk and b) I enjoy telling others who I think may not know anything about playing the violin and how it works.


  1. Good interview,
    Very honest and inspiring. I like the comment about how we deal with frustration better as adults than kids. I never learned to sight read as a kid because I could not deal with the difficulty of not hearing music I loved come out of the instrument. Now, older, I am progressing steadily because I know how to wait.



  2. It's nice to see Beth's "lighter" side. Very nice interview indeed.

  3. Wow, this is great. As a singer interested in learning to play, it's great to hear the correlation musically. I also appreciate the idea of learning better now that I'm older!

  4. What an enjoyable chat ! Thanks for sharing your insights and experiences Beth.
